Can’t Stop Snacking Between Meals?

Can’t Stop Snacking Between Meals?

Try our top 10 simple but effective solutions!

If you’re trying to cut back on your snacking, take a moment to consider that nearly 94% of us humans snack at least once a day. It can be difficult to cut back on snacks when snacking and unhealthy eating in general are such a prevalent part of our culture. However, once you start eating better meals, keeping a food journal, and developing good habits, you might find it’s not as difficult as you thought.
1.)  Eat three, appropriately sized well-rounded meals a day:
  • Meals that have a variety of nutrients are more likely to satisfy cravings. If you eat meals that are balanced, you’ll be less hungry throughout the day and less likely to crave snacks.
  • Make sure to consume quality proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates at lunch. These can help keep you hunger-free throughout the day. Processed food, such as fast food, typically has simple carbs, high sugar, and little fiber.
  • Try to include foods that contain healthy fats, such as avocados, in your diet. Healthy fats can help you feel full longer.
2.) Be sure to eat breakfast:
  • Breakfasts that are high in protein can increase satiety in the morning, and also help you feel fuller in the evening.
  • Try to eat at least 35 grams of protein with breakfast in order to prevent hunger throughout the day. Some ways you might work protein into your breakfast include: Cook an egg, start your day with yogurt, add a protein shake.
3.) Choose fats that are better for your body:
  • Nuts and olives contain healthy fats that can help you to feel full longer.
  • Avoid saturated fats, as they can increase your desire to snack.
  • Many junk food items are high in saturated fats, and they contribute to a vicious cycle of craving.
  • Fats have more calories per gram than any other macronutrient. That being said, they help sustain you and improve satiety greatly.
  • Consume these healthy fats sparingly. Sprinkle a few sliced black olives onto your salad or munch on a handful of almonds.
4.) Fill up on foods that have high water content:
  • Foods that contain a lot of water and fiber will keep you feeling full for a longer amount of time without costing you a lot of calories. If you’re trying to stick to a certain caloric limit for a meal, eating these foods will allow you to eat more. For example, a green salad will fill your stomach more than the same amount of calories of a croissant.
  • A lot of these foods are vegetables and fruits: potatoes, broccoli, salad greens, apples, radishes, bananas, celery, carrots, and so on.
  • A little bit of fat paired with these foods can be good: celery with a spoonful of peanut butter can help you feel more satiated than celery alone.
5.) Plan out exactly when you will eat:
  • Decide on specific times to eat breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner with at least 2-3 hours in between each meal. Creating this schedule for your dining experiences can help you to plan around when you get hungry.
6.) Cut out one thing at a time:
  • You don’t have to stop snacking altogether. Even if that is your eventual goal, start small by creating goals that are easier to achieve. Think of it as a series of little battles, not an overwhelming war.
  • Try eating just half of your regular snack as a first step.
  • Skip eating one of your go-to snacks entirely for one full day, and then try to do the same the following day. After seven days, you might begin to realize you really didn’t really need to eat it. The next week, pick another food to eliminate between meals.
  • Try replacing your unhealthy snacks with healthy snacks one at a time.
 7. ) Drink water whenever you have an urge to snack:
  • Drinking water can help you feel full, can eliminate false hunger, and is also calorie-free. Carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go so that it’s easier to drink it continuously throughout the day.
  • Drinking water can also improve your skin and better your health overall.
  • Drinking a good amount of water is also crucial to staying hydrated and having a properly functioning digestive system.
8.) Occupy yourself:
  •  It can be easier to forget that you’re hungry when you’re busy doing something challenging and/or enjoyable. Try picking up a hobby or doing something productive. To busy yourself, you can:
  • Clean the house.
  • Call a friend.
9.) Get some exercise:
  •  It’s good to exercise at least 3 times a week in order to strengthen your body and also reduce cravings for snack food. Moderate to vigorous exercise lasting as little as fifteen minutes can help relieve your cravings.
10.) Ask a friend to help with your habits:
  • Choose someone who you know will be there for you when you aren’t feeling very strong in your ability to make a healthy change. When you feel a craving coming on, give them a call and let them talk you out of it. You can also cook and eat healthy meals together to stay focused on your goals while enjoying good company.

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