How to take care of your workout hands!

How to take care of your workout hands!

When it comes to seeing results in your training, there are many important aspect. We talk a lot about the importance of what you eat and how often you train, and consistency to drive success. Taking care of your hands is often overlooked and can contribute to your success. When you do not take care of your hands, you risk not being able to perform each exercise at your best.

Here are a few of our top tips for keeping your hands in good condition for all your workouts!

1. Too Much Too Soon!

You wouldn’t start squatting at 100kg or do a 45min AMRAP as your first CrossFit session? You would start small and work your way there. Being new to the pull up bar or barbell can be a lot on your hands. The best way to strengthen your hands up is by doing a little bit every day or every second day (2 sets of 10 kips for example). Your hands will adjust to the setting and get stronger. Not shredded on the first session for 100 pull ups!

2. Do Not Use Too Much Chalk

Chalk can be helpful for grip strength and slipping when sweaty from a workout, but it has its downsides. Using too much chalk can increase the chances of getting tears in your hands. Cutting back and using chalk only with certain exercises will prevent tears . You may suprise yourself and realize that you do not need a ton of chalk! You can build better grip strength without it.

3. File Down Calluses

With regular workouts, your calluses can build up. This is a good thing as calluses can help protect your hands against the wear it feels from lifting. Filing down your calluses is a great way to keep them maintained and working to your benefit. Do this on a regular basis to maintain your hands. It will keep them in the best condition for maximizing every workout. You can get a callus shaver online or even use a razor!

4. Use Tape or Grips

Using tape or grips are another great solution you can use. These are a great way to keep your hands feeling comfortable and supported. To keep building your hands up, alternate between bare hands and grips. This will strengthen and build your grip!

5. Care for Them at Home

Taking care of your hands at home is also a great way to unwind from a tough workout or prepare for your next WOD. Applying healing creams (paw paw or RX Balms) can help repair sores or dry hands. When your hands are feeling rough or tired from a workout, use a cream or balm to provide nutrients.

When you take care of your hands, you are ensuring that every aspect of your body is ready. It also means that you are in your best shape for tackling your next WOD. Do not let dry or sore hands hinder your fitness success.

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