The Pros And Cons Of Lifting Weights Under Fatigue

The Pros And Cons Of Lifting Weights Under Fatigue

There are so many opinions on lifting weights under fatigue. There are also many theories on why!

Lifting weights to the point of fatigue attracts muscles to generate a big force. The outcome of a big force is the muscle tearing as it keeps pushing. The muscle then grows back stronger and bigger! Resulting in an increase in strength and endurance. This is how muscles grow, you must challenge itself so it can adapt bigger and better than before. This is why lifting weights past fatigue is important for building muscle.

What isn’t mentioned much though, is that for the muscles to grow, they just need to reach fatigue! Which can be achieved in any way! You could have no weights, but use your own body weight to do movements really slow and controlled and create such fatigue in your body that the same process happens as lifting weights…

But why would we do that if we can lift weights? Lifting weights are very beneficial for muscle growth. But, lifting too much external weights can cause a lot of loading on the spine and body. It is good to use a mixture of techniques to build muscle. This also allows a de-load for the body while still working towards your goals.

Lifting weights under fatigue is a high risk of injury when used incorrectly. Even though you are meant to be under fatigue, you still need to be able to control movements. When using body weight or resistance bands, It is much easier to control movements. Even so, stop a movement if needed when you are too exhausted. This is because there is no added risk of having weights on your body.

Overall, there are numerous ways to build muscle strength and endurance. Lifting weights will build muscle and achieve those goals yes! But using body weight and resistance can add more benefits. Benefits such as a low risk of injury when under fatigue.

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