Why High-Intensity Training Is So Beneficial

Why High-Intensity Training Is So Beneficial

What is high-intensity training?

High-intensity training is a form of training where the goal is to reach 80-100% Maximum heart rate. This is usually done in formats such as interval training where work and rest are alternated throughout the workout as keeping your heart rate at such a maximal level can be pretty difficult to hold as you can imagine!

Yes, high-intensity training sounds hard! But it really is the “More for less” deal! You only need half the time of sitting on a treadmill all day to reap the benefits plus more that low-intensity training gives you!

So what are these benefits that seem to be so amazing?

Weight-loss benefits:

  • The increased resting metabolic rate for upward of 24 hours after exercise. (Means you are still burning calories all day after your workout!)

  • Improved insulin sensitivity in the muscles. (Means you can eat more deeply satisfying foods and it won’t affect you as bad! Also means your body is functioning a whole lot more!)

  • Higher levels of fat oxidation in the muscles (Helps break down stored fat into energy better!).

  • Significant spikes in growth hormone levels (which aid in fat loss) and catecholamine levels (which are chemicals your body produces to mobilize fat stores for burning).

  • Post-exercise appetite suppression.

And more…!

Fitness and performance benefits:

  • Increases Vo2 Max – Expands our lung capacity

  • Helps build endurance – High-intensity training adapts to the cellular structure of muscles which enables you to increase your endurance while doing any type of exercise

  • Effective energy use – During interval training your body learns how to efficiently use the energy that comes from your body’s energy system. 

  • Its challenging – What challenges you, will definitely change you! Pushing your body slightly outside that comfort zone is making your comfort zone bigger and bigger which is making us fitter and stronger than last time!

General wellbeing and everyday life benefits:

  • The huge release of endorphins – After HIIT, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine.

  • Boosted self-confidence – Challenging yourself may seem super hard at the time, but knowing that you went outside of that comfort zone and pushed hard gives a sense of relief and also a boost of self-confidence that your body is capable so much more than you think!

  • Motivation – With all these benefits from just one form of training, how can you not be motivated?! Motivation comes from a positive mind and a healthy body, after a HIIT class it leaves us feeling good and pumped for the next day’s challenge!

  • Time efficient – High intensity can be done in whatever time you have! 5min, 10min, 15min! Put together a few exercises and hit it hard and you’re done! No need to sit on a treadmill for hours on end being bored!

CrossFit and High-intensity training

CrossFit is high-intensity training and much more, it is:

  • Constantly varied – To keep it fun and exciting, to use different muscles every day and to stop our bodies adapting to a comfort zone where we don’t grow!

  • Functional – All movements in CrossFit are movements we do already in everyday life! We squat to go to the toilet, we deadlift to pick things up from the ground, we press to push things overhead and onto a shelf, we sit up to get out of bed, etc. Getting stronger in these movements is going to make life THAT much easier!

  • All energy systems – Well, we already know all the benefits of high intensity! However, our formats of workouts differ every day, some days we will have a big workout, some days we will do strength, some days we will do skills etc. but the main thing is, it is all done with maximal efforts! Switching from all 3 energy systems every day of the week keeps our body on our toes and constantly progressing!

  • Community – Working out with a likeminded group of people makes all the difference! It’s a team effort and a family feels as we all share the release of endorphins, high five and congratulate each other on the awesome efforts.

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