- Payments are made using our automatic direct debiting system via Ezidebit or Square. Payments will be deducted in advance every 2 or 4 weeks. There are no set-up fees or surcharges for bank account or card. There is 4.40% fee for AMEX/Diners and a fee of $21.90 for any failed payments. (Failed payment fee only applies to Ezidebit, not Square payments)
- There are no refunds on fees for missed sessions.
- There are no make up classes for missed sessions.
- All membership payments are non-refundable.
- You have a maximum of 3 holds per calendar year which reset 1st January every year.
- You have the option to put your membership on hold for any reason.
- Upon expiration of the hold period, your account will automatically reactivate and regular membership payments will resume. If you wish to extend for longer you will need to submit another form before the current one expires, with the same conditions as above. NOTE: You cannot extend the maximum hold period.
- If you choose to cancel your membership during the hold period, the membership hold will finish and the standard written cancellation notice requirement stated in our membership terms and conditions is applicable. If you choose to reactivate your membership after it is cancelled, membership rates in effect at the time of reactivation will be applicable (membership rates are subject to change)
- You can suspend your direct debit payment for a maximum of 6 weeks and for a minimum of 1 week.
- All notifications for membership holds are to be made via our website using this form.
- There are no refunds for debit payments where the participant or account holder has not requested a membership hold of their direct debit according to the terms outlined previously.
- There are no refunds on fees for missed classes.
- There are no make-up classes.
Membership cancellation requires 14 days notice.
If you decide to reactivate your membership in the future (and we hope you do) membership rates in effect at the time of reactivation will be applicable as membership rates are subject to change.
If you would like to put your membership on hold instead of cancelling, you can submit a Membership Hold Request.
If you are sure you’d like to cancel, we ask that you please come in person or over the phone to attend an exit interview so you’re set up for success in the future 🙂
This will serve as your 14-day written cancellation notice as required by our membership terms and conditions.
Your membership will be cancelled at the end of the current billing cycle from the submission of the form above.
Note that if you have a scheduled payment within this 14-day period, the payment will be processed as scheduled. All payments are non-refundable.
Note: All cancellations are done in person or over the phone
Please note CrossFit Movida reserves the right to alter, change or adjust pricing, and or terms and conditions as stated in this document at any time.
Laing & Vallejo PTY LTD.