Have you ever considered that you might be your biggest hater..?

Have you ever considered that you might be your biggest hater..?

Do you pour your anger and frustrations onto others because you’re angry and frustrated with yourself?Do you find it hard to show unconditional love to others because you struggle to love yourself unconditionally?
Do you lie to others because you constantly lie to yourself about the things you want to achieve but never follow through with?
Do you lack respect for others because you lack respect for yourself?
Do you scoff at other people’s health and fitness success because you don’t invest in your own health and fitness?
I’m not just talking shit here
I’ve been through this
I’ve hated myself
When I hated myself
I would verbally snap at my wife
I would struggle to show love and affection to my wife
I would trash my body with shit food
I would scoff at other people’s success
I would justify the reasons why I am in this position instead of owning the brutal truth
All because I didn’t pour time, love, learning, physical and mental fitness into myself
You would be surprised in the transformation you can create in your life and the ripple effect it has on the people around you when you start to really focus on yourself
I only turned this all around this time last year
And this year has been my best year in terms of my personal happiness, physical and mental fitness, fulfillment, connection with my wife, friends and family and to top it off, when my baby boy came into this world I was filled with nothing but joy and love with absolutely zero apprehensions (contrary to how I’ve felt about having kids in the past)
If you’re not happy with everything around you – Invest in yourself and love yourself and watch everything change for the better

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